
「万怪談(よろずかいだん)」Numerous Kwaidan ※クリックで作品紹介へ

おどろおどろしい ストーリーテリング ゲームです。

ゲームマーケット2017 春 発売

This is a frightening storytelling game in which players improvise scary stories based on the cards they are dealt. Game Market 2017 Spring on sale

《 取り扱い店 》
▶ BOOTH(自家通販)
▶ BEEP 通販店
▶ くうねる堂

「人喰い屋敷」Man Eating House ※クリックで作品紹介へ


ゲームマーケット2016 秋 発売

A scary and formidable 3-4 player trick-taking game where kids explore a haunted house during summer vacation. Game Market Fall 2016 on sale

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「∞怪談(むげんかいだん)」Infinite Kwaidan ※クリックで作品紹介へ

百物語の怪談会が体験できる、まがまがしいストーリーテリング・カードゲームです。あなたは怪談の話し手となり、怖い話の断片が記された【怪談カード】を組み合わせて、さまざまな趣向の【お題】――「血なまぐさい話」,「笑える怪談」,「心霊スポット案内」など――にかなうように、オリジナルの怪談をつむいでいきましょう。 ゲーム終了までに数々の【傑作!】を生み出し、もっとも場を盛り上げた人の勝ちです。

ゲームマーケット2016 春 発売

This is a dazzling storytelling card game that allows you to experience a ghost story-telling session of 100 stories. You become a ghost story teller, combining [Ghost Story Cards] that contain fragments of scary stories, You are the ghost story teller, and you must combine the [Ghost Story Cards], which contain fragments of scary stories, and create your own original ghost story to meet the [Theme] (“Bloody Story”, “Funny Ghost Story”, “Ghost Spot Guide”, etc.) of various themes. The winner is the one who has created the most excitement by creating numerous masterpieces by the end of the game. Game Market spring 2016 on sale

《 取り扱い店 》
▶ BOOTH(自家通販)
▶ BEEP 通販店
▶ くうねる堂

「うしみつ」Witching Hour ※クリックで作品紹介へ


ゲームマーケット2015 秋 発売

This is a Japanese-style horror game in which players roam the haunted spots of a cursed town in the manner of Memory game and kick the crap out of monsters and goblins. The basic rule is a game of tag, and the winner is the one who overtakes all other players.Game Market Fall 2016 on sale

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「放課後7不思議」Seven Wonders After School ※クリックで作品紹介へ


ゲームマーケット2015 春 発売

Backgammon for a short time and a small group of players to experience the horror. Students are trapped in the school building after school, and must solve the rumors of the 7 Mysteries to rescue their friends and get out of the school completely. The winner is the one who rescues more friends.Game Market Spring 2015 on sale

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